The Arrival of the Shrine: The Slipper and the Relics of St. John. St. Spyridon of Trimythous

11 November in 16 A meeting of the shrine will take place at one o'clock in the afternoon – slipper of St. Spyridon of Trimythous from the city of Corfu, which was given with the help of benefactors and parishioners of the monastery for prayerful worship in our monastery.

The shrine will be met at the gates of the monastery, In a procession of the cross, it was transferred to the cathedral church, where a moleben to the saint will be served.

Update: the slipper of St. Spyridon of Trimythous will remain in our monastery until 23 november, after which he will go to worship in Kursk and then in the churches of the Kursk region, After which he will return to our monastery. The reliquary with the relics of St. Spyridon is brought out for veneration only during divine services, Morning & Evening.

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