A procession of the cross with two main shrines of the Kursk region took place in Kurchatov

20 August 2024 With the blessing of Metropolitan German of Kursk and Rylsk, a procession of the cross was held in the city of Kurchatov with the two main shrines of the Kursk region.

The Kursk-Root and Pryazhev Icons of the Mother of God "of the Sign" were brought to the city of Kurchatov. The relics were accompanied by the abbot of the Gornalsky St. Nicholas Belogorsk Monastery, Hegumen Pitirim (Plaksin), Hegumen Seraphim, abbot of the Kursk Root Hermitage of the Nativity of the Mother of God (Kotelnikov) and the clergy of the city.
At the Kursk nuclear power plant, a moleben with an akathist to the Mother of God was served before the miraculous icons, And then the relics were carried in a procession of the cross throughout the entire station, including the territory of NPP-2 under construction.

In the district center, icons were brought to the city churches with incessant prayer singing, where the inhabitants of the city could venerate them with their aspirations and hopes for a speedy victory and intercession. In Medical Unit No. 125, the clergy carried icons to all departments and hospital wards. Medical staff, the sick and wounded were able to pray before the venerated images of the Mother of God, having asked for healing,.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us!

Source: website of the Kursk diocese

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