On the Feast Day of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign"

5 July 2024 of the year, on the feast day of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign" – movable celebration on the 9th Friday after Pascha, Metropolitan German of Kursk and Rylsk and Bishop Paisius of Zheleznogorsk and Lgov, along with a multitude of clergy of the Kursk Metropolia, celebrated Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Sign.

The day before, the archpastors celebrated the All-Night Vigil in the cathedral.

The service was attended by representatives of the administration of the Kursk region, Head of Kursk Igor Kutsak, Representatives of the Mayor's Office. During Liturgy, a multitude of the faithful communed of Christ's Holy Mysteries.

Bishop Paisius led a festal moleben before the venerated copy of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign".

In a sermon at the end of the service, Bishop German congratulated everyone on the feast of the Kursk land, Happy Special Day, in which we venerate our shrine, dear to the heart of every Orthodox Christian, Especially Kursk residents. The entire history of the Kursk region, each event, whether it is sorrowful or joyful, is inextricably linked with this holy image. The archpastor called on the residents of the Kursk region to pray for peace and security of our state, About warriors, About defenders, About the Head of State, About the people, who courageously endures all difficulties. Bishop German noted, which is to my great regret, for safety reasons, We cannot make a traditional procession of the cross, When thousands of Kursk residents, numerous pilgrims from different cities of our country walked along the streets of Kursk, Praying, to the Kursk-Root Hermitage, to the Place of the Discovery of the Miraculous Icon of the Kursk-Root Mother of God.

Metropolitan German of Kursk and Rylsk blessed the city of Kursk with the icon from the steps of the cathedral and together with the shrine went by car to the place where it was found.

In the Kursk-Root Hermitage, the holy icon was met by the Acting Governor of the Kursk Region, Alexei Smirnov, monks of the monastery, headed by the abbot Hegumen Seraphim. Together they escorted the icon to the Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, where a festive prayer service was performed.

From now on, the venerated copy of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign" will remain in the Root Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Hermitage until 25 September.

Source: website of the Kursk diocese

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